Red Bull: One of the Top Social Media Strategists of 2020

Red Bull & Dunkin'
Top Social Media Strategists of 2020

Top social media strategists know that their content is constantly being viewed and shared by their audiences. This means the strategies need to include fresh stories and engaging visuals that make the audience want to keep talking. Red Bull takes advantage of using social media for the extra marketing push in just the right way.

Let's take a look at Red Bull's 2020 Batalla De Los Gallos event.

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The company hosts an international rap battle event and when you find the event in various search engines, you can see that Red Bull reaches global audiences by hosting the event in various countries, as well as considering the task of speaking to those audiences with the availability of content in various languages, Spanish and English.

The Red Bull marketing team is obviously aware of the popularity of the event, which has grown over the years, but also of the company's desire to remain a relevant topic of discussion in the international music world and among audiences that consume the energy drink.

This is evident by the placement of merchandise purchasing options for event apparel, which is available on the event website, as well as mention of the page manager's international locations on the Red Bull Facebook page, the dedicated event page that features artists' music, not to mention the entire Facebook group dedicated to the Batalla De Los Gallos event.


There's no question that the Facebook page manager holds the responsibility of coordinating with the website developer to repurpose content related to the concert tour and dedicate particular posts to the audiences based in various scheduled tour locations.

Brand social media managers can easily take a page out of the Red Bull communications strategy manual and find success by reaching audiences that will likely share posts of interest to keep up the buzz on product releases and upcoming events.
