Social Media Strategies that Promote Growth within the Communications Profession

Social Media Strategies that Promote Growth 
within the Communications Profession

Social media is at the top of the list when it comes to reaching audiences, whether it is for news media distribution or B2C marketing purposes. Modern-day communication has evolved from simply selling, whether it is the breaking story of a media package or a product or service that a company has to offer consumers. To be an effective communicator today really takes the diverse skill set of mastering various audience connection strategies by way of social media to achieve the desired outcome.

It's no surprise that people spend about 30% of their time on social media, so how can businesses use this to their advantage? A few simple strategies for social media management integrated into regular communications ...

Speak the audience's language
The audience has control. That's rule #1 when considering how social media can be a useful tool. But it's necessary to address them in just the right way. A comedian in the UK might not be successful on stage delivering jokes in Spanish. Sure, there would be a few audience members who are fluent and would understand the jokes, but Spanish wouldn't serve the majority of the audience considering the national language is English (UK).

This means use the social media audience's language. Our smartphones now have emoji keyboards and gif functionality because the programmers are aware that using these features are a regular part of communication in today's society. The same goes for social media. Using graphics that show emotion with emojis or gifs make the content more relatable to the audience, therefore, more interesting among the masses. This strategy will increase the traffic on your social media pages and the audience will be sharing it with their friends.

Now that they understand and relate to your content, keep them talking.

Interact with your audience
Since your audience has control, it's necessary to show them that they are valuable to the success of your business. Simply said, you owe them gratitude for keeping you relevant. Luckily for you, showing appreciation doesn't require groveling. Audiences turn to loyal followers and customers with the invitation to engage using social media. Introduce a call-to-action to show them that you care about their perspective. Ask for comments at the end of posts about the products, services, or information you've offered. Use the survey feature in your company's Instagram story to see how they feel about their experience with your company.

Simple engagement techniques like these will offer insight on how your company is perceived by the public. This also offers the advantage of endless adjustment opportunities for continuous improvement.

Finally, once you get them talking, don't disappear.

Stay Consistent
Your audience will feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts about your content with each other and with you as long as you don't keep them hanging. Nothing's worse than asking a question about something you've recently bought or want to buy and not getting a response. 

Answer their questions. Thank them for their comments. Invite them to a private chat to address their concerns and problems. Simple friendliness and good customer service go a long way to maintain the positive reputation your company has earned by effectively serving your audience over social media. Don't waste the opportunity to keep it going.

Now go...
